Tennesse team becomes eighth new member in less then two weeks for 2017
Chattanooga,Tenn-The state of Tennessee, has long been a hotbed for college and pro football, and has had a presence in the GDFL since the league’s inception.
The Gridiron Development Football League (GDFL) on Saturday announced the addition of the Tennessee Cobras, of Chattanooga, Tennessee making them the eighth new member franchise to be announced within the last 12 days, the 4th within the last 24 hours for the upcoming 2017 season.
The Cobras will serve the Chattanooga metropolitan area of Eastern Tenn.
With season tickets going on average for as low as $35 around the GDFL, the Cobra's will continue the league’s dedication of providing fan-friendly and affordable entertainment with the Red Banks High School serving as the host venue for all Cobra games..
“We are excited about the opportunity to be a member of the Gridiron Development Football League (GDFL) ” says Tennessee Cobras, General Manager Joanna Tibbs.
Following along with the GDFL’s regional footprint, the Cobras, are set to become regular rivals with the Huntsville Rockets (Huntsville, AL) as well as with the Georgia Knights (GA) and Georgia Broncos(GA).
The Cobras season will begin at the beginning of May when they travel to Memphis,Tennessee to take on GDFL powerhouse the Impact East Division Champions,The Memphis Blast on May, 7th in a Memphis in May preseason match-up.The following weekend the regular season kicks-off and go through the middle of July, with playoffs lasting through the end of August. The GDFL offers 8 game seasons (4 home, 4 away) with teams split into 4 divisions (North, South, East & West).
To check out the full 2017 schedule stay tuned to the Cobras’ website and social media channels for the 2017 GDFL schedule release set to take place in January.
The GDFL Communications Office contributed to this article.